"Characterization of Electrical Packages"
Luc Martens
Kluwer Academic Publishers
1998 ISBN: 0-7923-8307-9

"Signal Integrity - Simplified"
Eric Bogatin
Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
September 2003 ISBN: 0130669466

"High-Speed Signal Propagation"
Howard Johnson, Howard W. Johnson, Martin Graham
Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
March 2003ISBN: 013084408X

"High-Speed Digital System Design -
A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices"

Stephen H. Hall, G. Hall, J. McCall
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2000 ISBN: 0-471-36090-2

"High-Speed Digital Design -
A Handbook of Black Magic"

Howard Johnson, Martin Graham
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
1993  ISBN: 0-13-395724-1